
I’m currently working as a Software Engineer at Microsoft. I graduated the University of Wisconsin-Madison where I majored in Computer Science and Mathematics. I have taken coursework in Computer Sciences, Mathematics, and Computer Engineering. My relevant experience, personal projects, coursework, and technical skills are all listed on this page.

I'm intrigued by all fields of CS, but particularly I'm interested in Systems such as File Systems and Operating Systems, Databases, Storage Drives, and Persistence.

I have experience in Java, C, C++, Python, Kusto Query Language, SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AWS DynamoDB, Azure Cosmos DB, Azure Web Apps, Azure Data Explorer, HTML Canvas, and Mathematical Modeling.


August 2022 to Present
Software Engineer

May 2021 to August 2021
Software Engineer Intern in Azure CHIE Memory and Storage.

September 2020 to May 2021
Undergraduate Research for Professor Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau.

May 2020 to August 2020
Software Engineer Intern in Azure CHIE Memory and Storage.


Databases: SQL, Relational Database Management Schemas, Buffers, B-Trees.

Real Analysis: Real Numbers, Calculus of Limits, Sequences, Open/Closed sets.

Algorithms: Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming, Greed, Graph, P vs NP.

AI: Linear Regression, Neural Networks, K-means Clustering, MiniMax Algorithm.

MLOS: Machine Learning Optimized Systems seminar.

Operating Systems: Virtualization, Concurrency, Persistence, C, Mapreduce.

Digital Systems Fundamentals: Combinational Logic, Digital Subsystems, Computer Organization.

C++: C++ Programming basics.

Data Programming in R: R, RStudio.


Microsoft Certified: Azure AI Fundamentals.

Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals.

Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals.